

Routines for fast, geometrically robust clipping operations and analytic volume/moment computations over polytopes in 2D and 3D (as well as experimental ND). This software forms the kernel for an exact general remeshing scheme.


To generate multi-scale initial conditions for cosmological simulations this package written by Oliver Hahn when he was a postdoc in our group is invaluable.

yt: Data Analysis

This community driven python framework got started when Matthew Turk was a graduate student with me and learned Hippodraw while analyzing large enzo simulation data. Over 20 active developers are adding to this framework.


Jacques, was our first visualization and analysis tool with which we could analyze high dynamic range adaptive mesh refinement data. Now deprecated.


Enzo is parallel code written (mostly) in C++ and used for research in astrophysical and cosmological calculations.


SEdist is a small python library that extends scipy.stats to take in a one dimensional data set and generates an empirical cumulative distribution function which then supports many other functions such as plotting peaked CDFs, sampling from that distribution, etc. Using interpolating functions it can also reduce memory requirements dramatically.